Peggy's Ponderings


Musings, Tips, and Occasional Confessions About This Game We Call



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Gratitude NOT Changing Your Attitude? Surprising Mistakes You Make and What to Do Instead anxiety awareness depression distraction gratitude inner game shame



Gratitude is getting a lot of attention these days, and rightfully so.  Gratitude is often the gateway that ushers us through to a more positive emotional and mental shift when we are desperate to feel different than we do.


The studies on gratitude are increasing...

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Forgiving... Even When They Are Not Sorry? anxiety apologies awareness boundaries depression forgiveness the arena toxic relationships your playmates



You have a situation where someone has hurt, betrayed, and/or offended you.


In a perfect world, they give a heart-felt apology, ask what they can do to make amends, and work to gain your forgiveness and trust through whatever process is necessary.  The situation is not...

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The Roots of Stress - How Do You Dig In So You Can Stop Stressing Out? anxiety awareness depression emotional awareness inner game stress




It seems all of us are under It, overwhelmed with It, or just plain in It.  It's one of the most common words we use nowadays.


I'm old enough to remember when the word stress started making its way into our everyday vocabulary.  I believe part of this is due...

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The #1 Myth You Must Abandon to Create Peace and Fulfillment in Your Life awareness inner game



Life is a hectic and chaotic ordeal.  I don't remember the last time I heard someone say, “You know, not much is going on in my life right now.  I need to add more to my plate.”


No, more often than not, the comments are, “I don't know how I'm going...

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What Keeps You Stuck? The Answer May Surprise You awareness belief system depression inner game stressed stuck



Have you ever had the experience of really wanting to make a change in your life, but no matter what you try, you're still just stressed out, tired, and stuck?


Have you tried saying positive affirmations before, but they didn't seem to work?  Did you ever feel uneasy, ...

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