Coaching for This Game We Call...




For Those Seeking Healthy and Happy Relationships with Themselves and Others


Happiness Dynamics is Open!


Hurry, Enrollment Closes June 20th!

Schedule a call to see if this program is the right next step for you 


For me, your happiness is personal.


I struggled with poor physical health, overload, and unhealthy relationships for years until I decided to figure out how to overcome my challenges.  What started as a quest for more vitality, increased confidence, greater stress-resilience, and healthier connections has turned into a formula that has helped hundreds on their paths to happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.




We all get it, endure it, try to manage it, and we would love to overcome and conquer it.

It rears its ugly head in every area of life - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially.

Its effect on us is profound and virtually limitless.




My name is Peggy.  I am the Happiness Dynamics Coach and a Wellness Advocate specializing in mindset, emotional health and mastery, relationships, and natural health solutions for high-performance living.  I typically work with people who want their lives to be happier and more fulfilling.  They want to master their minds, emotions, and productivity.  In addition, they desire healthy relationships and crave more freedom.

In short, they want life to be extraordinary.

Maybe you are seeking the same.  Despite your best efforts, you may have areas of your life that still create too much stress or are not balanced, and functioning at the optimal level you know, deep down, is possible.

You want to achieve the following:

  • More patience
  • More confidence
  • More focus
  • More energy
  • More productivity
  • More courage
  • More fun
  • An efficient balance between work, school, and family life.
  • Jedi-ninja conflict resolution skills
  • Healthier, happier relationships
  • Fulfillment in your life's purpose
  • A greater sense of self-worth
  • Less overload and burnout
  • An addiction-free lifestyle
  • A stress-resilient mindset
  • A more loving and giving heart
  • Better parenting skills
  • Better physical health
  • Healing from toxic or abusive relationships
  • Immunity to:
    • jealousy
    • criticism
    • feeling judged
    • feelings of failure
    • constant comparison
    • trying to keep up with everyone else's demands
  • Peace despite pressures and chaos in the world
  • And more that I haven't mentioned

If you want to create the life you have always wanted, please join me to unlock your potential and remove the blocks that hinder your progress.  I would love to help you on your way to an extraordinary life.

All my best,



Want to see if we make an excellent team to help you improve your health, relationships, and overall happiness?

Schedule a free strategy session to see if what I have to offer is a good fit for you.




Fantastic coaching!  If you need help resolving anything holding you back (stress, depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, trauma, grief, etc.)  Peggy can help you sort out the web of painful emotions and blocks.  With love and kindness, she can quickly help you see where to work to find the resolution and peace you need to heal.  Decades of depression and anxiety melted away for me after only months enrolled in her online program and private coaching sessions.  My physical health was completely crashed, too, and I needed to resolve my stress in order to heal.  I have found the help I needed.  I highly recommend her courses and private coaching to bring health and wellness to the mind, body, and soul.        ~J.D.

Peggy has changed my life!   She has saved our marriage and helped us to learn how to navigate life’s emotional pitfalls and injuries, sometimes self-inflicted.  I needed a catalyst to change and address my personal issues that were so damaging to my family relationships and that I could not figure out how to address them even after years of professional counseling.    This has been one of the most impactful decisions in my life.  There is much work involved, but that is what makes the program so successful.  Working every day on ourselves to help us be our best selves.  What is that worth??       ~Anthony, 52  


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Let's work together!

Now is the time to give yourself (and your family) the coaching, training, encouragement, and support you need to create your life the way you have always wanted it.  See how you can get started today!


Looking For Natural Health Solutions?

We all know that optimal health is a vital key for stress-resilience and higher performance in all areas of our lives.  See if my favorite products could help you in your quest to thrive.