Peggy's Journey

Certified Coach:

Emotional Awareness & Mastery

Energy Psychology

Interactional Dynamics

High Performance


Inner Dynamics Formula

Personal Success Dynamics Coaching

Success Dynamics Academy


Hello friend!


I am happy you found me, and I hope you will find my story helpful.

My focus here is always:

How can I help you?

With that focus in mind, my first question is -



Do you ever find yourself feeling:



You are stressed out, overwhelmed, and heading quickly towards burnout.

Your wheels are spinning- nonstop- but there doesn't seem to be any traction.

There is just too much going on to figure it all out.  You would love for the fog to lift from your brain, but you have no idea where to start.



Anxiety and/or depression seem to be your constant companions.

It's hard to feel free to enjoy life fully because you don't know what's coming next.

You find yourself either going too fast or disconnecting (hello Netflix, FB/IG, and sleep) in an effort to cope with the emotional roller coaster.




Feeling hurt, angry, or offended in a relationship that is driving you crazy.

You cannot seem to escape the vicious cycles that keep you feeling hurt and upset.

Your resentment is becoming a huge distraction, and the wedge between you affects your happiness, communication, and trust.

If you said "yes" to any of the above scenarios -


Believe me; I get it!

Seriously, I had all of these issues and more...


You see, my path to coaching did not start as a calm, logical career move with a desire to help all those "other" people with problems get help and healing.


Oh no, huh uh, I was that "other" person.


My path to coaching actually began in total desperation.


It was 1998, and my life was a mess.


I had many dramatic things happening, but the one that got everyone's attention was my physical health. I was extremely ill, and the mainstream medical answers were not effective in helping me.


I knew my physical health was only a part of everything else that was falling apart in my life, but I knew that my little girl really needed me to be healthy enough to take care of her and raise her.


To really be there for my daughter, I had to get my body healthy, so I started there.


I thought I was beginning with a focus just on my physical self, but what I found was this amazing connection between


My thoughts...

My emotions...

My past experiences...

And my current situations...


All linked to my physical health!


I was blown away by how much my life began improving when I concentrated - the right way - on these variables inside myself. 


Now in my case, I had to do some other physically-oriented work as well; however, through the techniques and principles I learned, I was able to calm my body down so it could work on healing.


I was on my way - my physical health was improving!


What I did not see coming were the jaw-dropping benefits that helped many of my other challenges improve.


  • My brain started functioning better.
  • Decisions and problem-solving got easier.
  • My temper was tamed, and my patience grew.
  • My ability to stay calm with difficult personalities and in difficult conversations improved.
  • I started loving myself more and let go of other people's judgments of me.
  • I could see people's abusive and manipulative behaviors more clearly, so I was affected less and less.
  • My energy increased, and my zest for living returned.
  • My fear of stressful situations dramatically decreased because my ability to maintain calm and rational during stress was skyrocketing!



And if that wasn't enough, I also grew and healed from my life's most difficult experiences, including:


  • Surviving, and eventually, severing, toxic/abusive relationships developed from childhood through to adulthood.
  • Co-dependency (constantly trying to please and take care of everyone but myself).
  • The death of my son.
  • And several severe health issues, including cancer.


It has been quite a journey so far... and now this is where YOU come in!

The more I practiced these principles and techniques, the more I improved.  I grew more and more excited as I became happier and healthier and more confident, loving, patient, and peaceful.


I wanted to help others create the same amazing transformations that I had received.  So, I decided to certify in the programs that brought me the most benefit and began sharing and helping others like you learn how to gain the same stress-resiliency I had come to experience.


I admit, it has been a very emotional, somewhat messy ride; however, I have learned to value every twist and turn.


And now, my long personal experience with mess and emotions helps me help you BETTER.

Why can I help?



  • Because I've worked through my stuff, I know what it takes to get it done. (and I've added techniques to my tool belt to help you get there even easier!)
  • Because I've worked through my stuff, I don't judge you or get shocked by your stuff.

How It Works

Step 1:  Illuminate

Life is full of experiences.

It's our brain's job to make decisions on what to believe at any given moment.

We can't keep track of all of these beliefs on a conscious level, but they affect us nonetheless.

The issues you are struggling with need to be seen from a different angle and on multiple levels.

I help clients identify conscious and subconscious beliefs that create personal, internal conflict, relationship problems, and self-sabotage.


Step 2:  Liberate

Sometimes clearing the emotion and belief is quick and easy- we are ready to part ways.

Other times we need to learn what the pattern is teaching us before course correction is permanent.

My unique skill set, coaching your conscious mind, and applying Energy Psychology techniques to find and clear your subconscious blocks, helps you achieve lasting change.

These techniques allow for the most growth and healing in an effective but gentle process.

Step 3:  Celebrate

The lesson is learned!

The emotions dragging you down and the block they caused are cleared and replaced with a new way of living.

You see and respond to circumstances more calmly and clearly.

You find you have more energy and love more deeply.

You recognize your negative patterns more easily, and you have learned tools to work yourself out of them and back into the light. Time to embrace your wiser self!


Helping people course correct, progress, and heal is pretty much my purpose on the planet.


Regardless of your past or present environment, you can gain the health, peace, and empowerment you crave in your life.

I can help.

Most of the time, the belief patterns holding us back and causing us grief are very old, sometimes hidden, and usually on autopilot, so finding them and clearing them can be quite challenging when trying to do this at first on your own.

After years of practice on myself, and then professionally with clients, I've gotten very good at finding what keeps people stuck.  (Many clients say I have "Jedi ninja skills" when it comes to finding the blocks that are making them miserable!!)

You, too, can learn to release the patterns keeping you stuck, immobile, and gridlocked in the most important aspects of your life.

I would love to help you learn how.

My friend, I know from personal and professional experience that -

"When we align our conscious knowledge with the power of our subconscious mind, the sky is the limit for our best growth...be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual."

Peggy Nazer

So friend, did I address any of the issues dragging you down?  If your answer is yes, maybe we can do some of these steps together!  If you are ready, I have several ways for you to get started.

No matter what you decide, I wish you well on your path to healing and progression.

Much love!




(Just the facts)


Peggy has been a Certified Emotional Awareness & Mastery Coach, Energy Psychology Coach, and Personal Dynamics Instructor for 20 years, helping people succeed with various self-development  issues:


  • anxiety/depression

  • addiction/compulsions

  • poor self-image

    • feelings of failure
    • handling criticism and judgment
    • constant comparing self to others
    • not seeing or accepting one's self-worth
    • feeling lost or disconnected from their life's Purpose
  • stress, burnout, discouragement, overload, etc.
  • stressful relationships

    • communication problems

    • conflict
    • codependency/unhealthy boundaries (includes struggling under pressure from others' demands.)

    • healing from abuse

  • anger management

  • self-harming behaviors

  • generally feeling stuck, frustrated, or dissatisfied in their lives

  • And the list goes on!


She has studied multiple disciplines as a student and participated in them as a client.  Her work encompasses:

  • emotional release

  • belief integration

  • energy psychology techniques

  • stress resilience mastery

  • High-Performance habits

Peggy has been a Certified High-Performance Coach through the High-Performance Institute since 2016.

As a result of her extensive and diverse training, she developed Inner Dynamics Coaching, a combination of laser-focused coaching, emotional release, and other Energy Psychology techniques.

After further study, she created Happiness Dynamics (HD), an online coaching and training program.  In HD, clients learn to improve their health, create (or heal) relationships, and resolve stress with their challenges based on her Happiness Dynamics Method  and the Crack Your Concern Code Process. 

Peggy's services help clients learn to identify, effectively manage, and learn to master their mental and emotional perspectives that create conflict and stop their progress in their personal and professional lives.

In addition to Happiness Dynamics, Peggy was chosen, trained, and certified by Kirt Soderquist, MSW, LMFT, as his successor in teaching the method he created, Interactional Dynamics (ID).  She has taught his Masterclass and has led ID Mastermind groups since 2007.


Let's work together!