
Clients' Success Stories


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 I was introduced to Peggy by my boyfriend after I had developed an Eating Disorder.  But as all issues go, the problem lies deeper inside and she helped me dig deep down and beat my disorder.  We worked on a lot of my self-loathing, self-consciousness, control issues, and lack of self-worth for myself.  My boyfriend and I grew together, our addictions were similar in how they came about and how they were used as a distraction from the chaos of the world.  Happy to say we are now married!  But it took work there as well.  I mainly had private sessions, and a few couples sessions, but I did have the opportunity to take a class as well.  A lot has changed: I eat whatever I want again, I have way more confidence in myself than I ever had before, as well as many other wonderful things I can't even put into words.  I joke around all the time that Peggy is a wizard and EVERYONE in the world needs to see Peggy, and I stand by that statement.

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I am a wife, a mother, a business woman, and a woman of faith.  I started working with Peggy because I wanted help with what I called "brain fog".  I felt like I could never focus.  I was walking around in a cloud of confusion and lack of purpose.  I felt unhappy and unsettled.  I knew something was missing from my life, but I didn't know what.  I had everything I had ever thought I wanted: a loving husband, my own home, happy healthy children.  I was able to be a stay- home mom.  And I had my church.  So why did I feel so lost?  I would start to accomplish something and the fog would descend.  As I began working with Peggy I felt like a weight had lifted.  I began to gain understanding of myself which has been foundational to the growth and success I have experienced.  I am now equipped with tools to approach both obstacles and opportunities with confidence and an open mind.  My relationships have improved.  I am more understanding of my children and they respect me more.  I am better able to love my husband and feel the love he has for me.  I understand the people around me better which helps me be more patient with them.  I have more confidence in myself.  I am better at making decisions.  I have more peace.  I experience more love.  And most of all by digging through all the garbage I held onto inside of myself, and taking steps to release it, I have come closer to God.  That is what life is all about.  Thank you Peggy, for guiding me through my own muck and helping me find the source of all true peace and love.

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As my Life Coach, Peggy Nazer has helped me obtain more understanding about who I am and what I may become than most anyone else in my life.  Her guidance and insight have and still do, help me to re-calibrate when I am off course and have helped me see accomplishments where I thought there were none.  Peggy has journeyed with me across difficult ground in order to revisit and heal the wounds and false belief systems that have caused the patterns of strife and faltering in my life, all the while feeling the depth of her care and understanding.  I feel greatly blessed to have found Peggy and that she has in her heart the love for her fellow man to help them discover, connect and heal themselves so that they may prosper in all that they desire to do.

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 I am 59 years old, I was married for 29 years to a wonderful woman, and now I am a widower of 5 years.  I have six children and four grandchildren, and I work full time.  I have suffered all of my life with negative beliefs, attitudes and thoughts that have caused me much stress, confusion, depression and anxiety.  When you work with Peggy, you soon realize that there isn't anything in your life that cannot be resolved.  Entrenched, inaccurate and self-defeating beliefs can be gently released as new, correct beliefs and thinking patterns open the way for progress, freedom, happiness and joy.  I have worked with Peggy both privately and in group settings.  I highly recommend Peggy and the work that she does to anyone who seeks healing within themselves.  My life is getting better all the time as I apply the principles that she both teaches and models for me.

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Hi, my name is Meagan.  The reason I started working with Peggy was that I had low self esteem, struggled with having unhealthy relationships with people, and was struggling with addictions.  I did private sessions with Peggy.  My experience has been great.  Peggy has taught me ways to see myself and how living a healthy life can be fun and still express myself.  I have learned how to journal and write down my feelings to keep track of how I feel.  That has helped me to work through all of my mind chatter.  It also helps me keep track of my addictions and how I feel when I am not living in my addictions and how I feel when I am.  Life for me now is good!  If I had not started working with Peggy, I would have never moved on from a very unhealthy relationship.  Every day is a continual work in progress.  As I work with Peggy on what my weekly struggles are, the more progress I feel.  Peggy is an easy person to talk to, one of my favorite things about her is that she does not judge you wherever you are at.  Even if I have a bad week, mess up or fall she is always willing to be there.  I never feel like I can disappoint Peggy and as a young adult that is a relaxing feeling, to know someone can truly love you for who you are.  I recommend that if you feel stuck in life and hopeless and feel like there is no help, I suggest you come see Peggy.  She can help you work through whatever you feel is going on.  I am so grateful I found Peggy.

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I am a stay at home mother of 3 small children.  I have had private sessions, and have taken class.  I worked on a handful of different things in private sessions.  Then in class I worked on life events as they came.  But no matter what I worked on, it all helped with the same thing.  That was finding real happiness where I am now.
I have always been more of a passive person who has lived most my life with the belief that if everyone else was happy, I was happy.  I don't think I could have been more wrong.  Looking back I was definitely not happy.  The more I worked on things, the more I realized how unhappy I was and that I was the only one holding me back from being happy.  That may seem like a bad thing to realize how unhappy you are, and it is for a small moment.  But then you realize that is rather fortunate, since you are the only one with the power to change you.  Due to the of self discovery during personal sessions and class along with the tools that are taught in class, I have been able to navigate my own life into a much more healthy happy direction.  I can honestly say that I am the happiest I have ever been.  My marriage is the best it has ever been.  It only seems to continue to get better as well.  I am of the opinion that this class has the ability to enhance the life of anyone in any stage of life.  I had always heard that we are supposed to learn from all of our experiences.  It wasn't until I took this class that I learned how we can learn from our experiences.  I am blown away at just how much there is for us to learn from all of the life experiences we have.  It is literally life changing.

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I took Interactional Dynamics (ID) class from Peggy Nazer.  What I learned in those years, under Peggy’s guidance and tutelage, has changed my life.  Before taking the class, I was generally critical and judgmental, where I am now much more accepting and encouraging; extremely impatient and emotionally rigid before, I am now much more understanding and flexible.  Fearful, negative and angry for so much of my life; I now feel hopeful, positive, happy, and free the majority of the time – and when I do feel angry or despairing, I now have the tools to face my feelings, accurately assess them and then resolve them.  Finding the ability and making the decision to take my problems home where they belonged opened up the way for me to change those things I didn’t like in myself and become a happier person.  In the course of this discovery, I learned to feel and accept God’s love for me and I found a devotion and appreciation for Him that I had not felt before.  I learned to love myself.   I learned to understand and love my father and have come to better appreciate and love my husband.  Throughout my time in ID class, Peggy was there with patience and guidance, to teach and encourage me along my path of self-discovery, healing, and growth.  As I was just beginning my experience with ID, Peggy said to me, “You are going to appreciate your children so much more after taking this class.”   She was totally right.  I have learned to understand and love myself so much better through what I have learned and the experiences I have had.  With that acceptance has come more love, understanding and acceptance of those around me, including those I care about most: my husband and my children.  I have changed, the emotional landscape of my home has changed, my children have changed, my marriage has changed – and all for the better.  The skills Peggy has taught me, the tools she has imparted in her ID classes, are for life-long learning, growth and joy.  I would recommend this class to anyone who is willing to do hard things for a great and lasting emotional reward.

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"Fantastic coaching!  If you need help resolving anything holding you back (stress, depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, trauma, grief, etc.)  Peggy can help you sort out the web of painful emotions and blocks.  With love and kindness, she can quickly help you see where to work to find the resolution and peace you need to heal.  Decades of depression and anxiety melted away for me after only months enrolled in her online program and private coaching sessions.  My physical health was completely crashed too and I needed to resolve my stress in order to heal.  I have found the help I needed.  I highly recommend her courses and private coaching to bring health and wellness to the mind, body, and soul. "

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